The Public Role of the Church in Contemporary Ukrainian Society The Contribution of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church to Peace and Reconciliation

Stu­dies on Peace Ethics · Band-Nr.: 53

What do the divi­si­on bet­ween the Ortho­dox Churches in Ukrai­ne and the cur­rent Russian-Ukrainian cri­sis have in com­mon? Ana­ly­sing the rele­vant offi­ci­al docu­ments of the Ukrai­ni­an Greek-Catholic Church on recon­ci­lia­ti­on, the aut­hor traces how this Church comes to terms with the bur­den­ed pages of Ukrai­ni­an histo­ry and their reper­cus­sions for the cur­rent strugg­ling of Ukrai­ne on the way to democratisation.

The rela­ti­ons bet­ween the Ukrai­ni­an Churches, the Polish-Ukrainian and the Russian-Ukrainian rela­ti­ons, the memo­ry of the Jewish pre­sence, and the natio­nal cohe­si­on in the coun­try accor­ding to the offi­ci­al Church pro­no­unce­ments con­sti­tu­te the core of the book.

ISBN 978-3-402-11697-5 / 978-3-402-11697-5 · Baden-Baden / Müns­ter · 2015