Classic Edition

For 25 years the Insti­tu­te for Theo­lo­gy and Peace has been explo­ring the peace ethics “clas­si­cal” aca­de­mics from Augus­ti­ne to Tho­mas Aqui­nas, from the ear­ly modern Domi­ni­can theo­lo­gi­an, Fran­cis­co de Vito­ria, to the Jesu­it Fran­cis­co Sua­rez up until the Popes of the 20th cen­tu­ry, like John Paul II. The renow­ned libra­ry of the peace ethics tra­di­ti­on has grown to include over 20 volu­mes of this clas­si­cal teaching.

In coope­ra­ti­on with, among others, Prof. Mat­thi­as Lutz-Bachmann, Uni­ver­si­ty of Frank­furt, the rele­vant trac­ta­tes De lege and De ius­ti­tia of the sum­ma com­men­ta­ry by Fran­cis­co de Vito­ria and rele­vant peace ethics texts by Fran­cis­co Sua­rez have been work­ed on and published by frommann-holzboog.

Curr­ent­ly, in this area of stu­dy, the fol­lo­wing wri­tin­gs are researched:

Luigi Taparelli d’Azeglio, Saggio teoretico di diritto naturale appoggiato sul fatto

The major work of Lui­gi Tapa­rel­li d’Azeglio SJ (1793 – 1862) is as fun­da­men­tal to modern catho­lic social tea­ching as he hims­elf is unknown in modern times. It is no coin­ci­dence that this is so.

Tapa­rel­li had influen­ced the young Gio­ac­chi­no Pecci, the later Pope Leo XIII, as a tea­cher in the late 1820s and ent­rus­ted him with sup­port tasks. Half a cen­tu­ry later, when Leo XIII, sup­port­ed by other stu­dents of Tapa­rel­li, pro­mo­ted his ide­as in catho­lic doc­tri­ne, the ‘father’ of the­se ide­as and con­cepts was men­tio­ned as litt­le as pos­si­ble for reasons of acceptance.

Taparelli’s work Sag­gio teo­re­ti­co di diritto natu­ra­le appog­gi­a­to sul fat­to, published in 1855 in its fourth edi­ti­on – the last to be com­ple­ted and revi­sed by him – is the blue­print for the modern catho­lic social doc­tri­ne laun­ched by Pope Leo XIII: the fun­da­men­tal con­side­ra­ti­ons and out­lines set out in it are – for exam­p­le in the ethics of peace and con­flict – rele­vant also for cur­rent theological-ethical posi­tio­ning in the Catho­lic Church.

In the German-speaking world, howe­ver, the­re is only a trans­la­ti­on of the first edi­ti­on, published suc­ces­si­ve­ly in the years 1840-43; it dates back to 1845. Against this back­ground, the Insti­tu­te for Theo­lo­gy and Peace wants to meet the desi­de­ra­tum of a modern trans­la­ti­on of the fourth edi­ti­on of the Sag­gio teo­re­ti­co di diritto natu­ra­le appog­gi­a­to sul fat­to.

The pro­ject, which began in Novem­ber 2021, is sche­du­led to take 30 months to com­ple­te, so that publi­ca­ti­on as a bilin­gu­al edi­ti­on within the estab­lished frame­work of the alre­a­dy published edi­ti­ons of the clas­sics is aimed for 2024/25.

Pro­ject rese­ar­cher: Dr. Andrés Car­los Pizzinini