Access and Use

The ithf libra­ry is a sci­en­ti­fi­cal­ly spe­cia­li­sed libra­ry open to the public. It is acces­si­ble to all inte­res­ted visi­tors during its hours of operation.

Library use

The libra­ry is open Mo – Fr from 10 AM to 1 PM. If you wish to use the libra­ry out­side of ope­ning hours, plea­se cont­act us. Indi­vi­du­al access regu­la­ti­ons are pos­si­ble by arrangement

The­re are 8 work­sta­tions inclu­ding inter­net access for research. 

Copies and prin­touts can be made for a fee; the cos­ts are EUR 0.10 per copy or printout.


Bor­ro­wing items at the libra­ry is free of char­ge and pos­si­ble upon pre­sen­ting a libra­ry card which can be appli­ed for in the library.

The loan peri­od is four weeks. You can extend the peri­od through your online user account.

The libra­ry mate­ri­als are free­ly acces­si­ble and can, for the most part, be bor­ro­wed. Pri­or orde­ring via the online cata­log is possible.

Jour­nals and sequels can not be borrowed.

Applying for a Library Card

To app­ly for a libra­ry card, you need to com­ple­te and sign an appli­ca­ti­on form. Plea­se give a valid email-address, if possible.

A per­so­nal ID, an EU per­so­nal ID or a pass­port and con­fir­ma­ti­on of resi­dence in Ger­ma­ny (if no Ger­man address is spe­ci­fied in the ID) is required.

Upon sub­mis­si­on of your signed appli­ca­ti­on form, you will recei­ve a libra­ry card.
With your signa­tu­re you agree to the Rules Gover­ning the Use of the ithf Libra­ry .

Opening hours

Mon­day – Fri­day: 10 AM – 1 PM

Plea­se only visit the libra­ry if you feel healthy. 

We are hap­py to pro­vi­de libra­ri­an infor­ma­ti­on by pho­ne: +49 (0)40 – 298 13 71-11 

You are also wel­co­me to send us a mes­sa­ge using the cont­act form.


Institute for Theology and Peace – Library

Her­ren­gra­ben 4
20459 Hamburg
