Proactive Tolerance The Key to Peace

Stu­dies on Peace Ethics · Band-Nr.: 69

This book opens up a broa­der per­spec­ti­ve on the topic of tole­rance to its rea­ders. While tole­rance in poli­ti­cal dis­cour­se is often redu­ced to tole­ra­ti­on of tho­se who think and live dif­fer­ent­ly or to civil com­mit­ment against into­le­rance, this book focu­ses on a fun­da­men­tal app­re­cia­ti­on of diver­si­ty, proac­ti­ve dia­lo­gue and a lear­ning pro­cess. Posi­ti­ve expe­ri­en­ces from suc­cessful dia­lo­gue with others are resour­ces for social tole­rance and sus­tainable peace. Against this back­ground, the mel­ting pot of Ukrai­ne is a regi­on rich in expe­ri­ence and resour­ces from which phi­lo­so­phers, theo­lo­gi­ans, ethi­cists, his­to­ri­ans and poli­ti­cal sci­en­tists world­wi­de can learn a lot.


With con­tri­bu­ti­ons by

Kat­rin Boeckh, Alo­is Buch, Micha­el Fet­ko, Sarah Herbst, Rolf Hus­mann, Arnd Küp­pers, Lisa-Marie Mans­feld, Dani­el Mun­te­anu, Hel­muth Pree, Lars Schä­fers, Andre­as Scho­ch, Pav­lo Smyts­ny­uk, Ihor Vehe­sh, Bert­hold Vogel and Mar­kus Vogt.

ISBN 978-3-8487-6497-6 · Baden-Baden · 2021