PD Dr. Bernhard Koch Deputy Director Law and Ethics in Armed Conflict ProfileResearch AreasPublicationsContact Profile Bernhard Koch studied Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science at the Philosophy Faculty at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich as well as at the University of Vienna at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. From 1999 til 2002 he worked as a researcher at the University of Education Weingarten where, until 2004, he also held a lectureship. In 2006 he obtained a PhD from the University for Philosophy in Munich with a dissertation on “Tuscalanae Disputationes”. He has worked at the Institute of Theology and Peace in Hamburg since September 2007. From 2008 to 2010 he was a lecturer at the Helmut-Schmidt University for the Armed Forces in Hamburg; he has worked as a lecturer at the Goethe University in Frankfurt since 2011. In 2014, Bernard Koch was a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict (ELAC). Since 2012, he has been a Co-Teacher for Ethics at the ICMM Centre of Reference for Education on International Humanitarian Law and Ethics in Zurich. Research Areas General ethics Ancient practical philosophy Ethical justifications of physical violence International Humanitarian Law The ethics of the deployment of automated weapon systems Theories of pacifism Publications Publikationsliste Yearly Reports · Arbeitsbericht: August 2015 bis Juli 2016 Daniel Peters, Dr. Bernhard Koch, Dr. Heydar Shadi, Joachim Stüben, Klaus Ebeling, Marco Schrage, Noreen van Elk, Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven, Prof. Dr. Michael Staack ISBN · Hamburg · 2016 Yearly Reports · Arbeitsbericht: August 2014 bis Juli 2015 Dr. Bernhard Koch, Prof. Dr. Heinz-Gerhard Justenhoven ISBN · Hamburg · 2015 Studies on Peace Ethics · Band-Nr.: 47 Den Gegner schützen? Zu einer aktuellen Kontroverse in der Ethik des bewaffneten Konflikts Dr. Bernhard Koch ISBN 978-3-8487-0784-3 / 978-3-402-11691-3 · Baden-Baden / Münster · 2014 Articles · Das Ethos des Nothelfers aus Zeitschrift Miltitärseelsorge Dr. Bernhard Koch ISBN 0047-7362 · Hamburg · 2013 Articles · Die Schlacht von Solferino Dr. Bernhard Koch ISBN · Hamburg · 2009 Articles · Die stoische Lebensprüfung bei Cicero und Seneca aus Philosophisch leben - Leben der Philosophen Dr. Bernhard Koch ISBN 978-3-8258-0634-7 · Berlin · 2007 Contact Phone +4940 – 298 13 71-14 Name Forename * Surname * eMail Adress * Subject * Your request * Team MitarbeiterAlphabetisch Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol. Assistant to the Directorate Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota Deputy Acting Director Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt Project Supervisor · External Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit. Project Supervisor · External Sarah Delere, MPP Doctoral Researcher Lisa Neal, MA Doctoral Researcher Vanessa Kauke, MLIS Head Librarian Peer Asmussen Library Assistant Dr. Jochen Reidegeld Scientific Project Manager Peer Asmussen Library Assistant Sarah Delere, MPP Doctoral Researcher Vanessa Kauke, MLIS Head Librarian Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol. Assistant to the Directorate Lisa Neal, MA Doctoral Researcher Dr. Jochen Reidegeld Scientific Project Manager Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt Project Supervisor · External Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit. Project Supervisor · External Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota Deputy Acting Director