PD Dr. Bernhard Koch

Deputy Director

Law and Ethics in Armed Conflict 


Bern­hard Koch stu­di­ed Phi­lo­so­phy, Logic and Phi­lo­so­phy of Sci­ence at the Phi­lo­so­phy Facul­ty at the Ludwig-Maximilians Uni­ver­si­ty in Munich as well as at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Vien­na at the Aca­de­my of Fine Arts in Vienna.

From 1999 til 2002 he work­ed as a rese­ar­cher at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Edu­ca­ti­on Wein­gar­ten whe­re, until 2004, he also held a lec­ture­ship. In 2006 he obtai­ned a PhD from the Uni­ver­si­ty for Phi­lo­so­phy in Munich with a dis­ser­ta­ti­on on “Tus­cal­anae Disputationes”.

He has work­ed at the Insti­tu­te of Theo­lo­gy and Peace in Ham­burg sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 2007. From 2008 to 2010 he was a lec­tu­rer at the Helmut-Schmidt Uni­ver­si­ty for the Armed Forces in Ham­burg; he has work­ed as a lec­tu­rer at the Goe­the Uni­ver­si­ty in Frank­furt sin­ce 2011.

In 2014, Ber­nard Koch was a Visi­ting Fel­low at the Oxford Insti­tu­te for Ethics, Law and Armed Con­flict (ELAC). Sin­ce 2012, he has been a Co-Teacher for Ethics at the ICMM Cent­re of Refe­rence for Edu­ca­ti­on on Inter­na­tio­nal Huma­ni­ta­ri­an Law and Ethics in Zurich.

Research Areas

  • Gene­ral ethics
  • Anci­ent prac­ti­cal philosophy
  • Ethi­cal jus­ti­fi­ca­ti­ons of phy­si­cal violence
  • Inter­na­tio­nal Huma­ni­ta­ri­an Law
  • The ethics of the deploy­ment of auto­ma­ted wea­pon systems
  • Theo­ries of pacifism


Pho­ne +4940 – 298 13 71-14


Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol.

Assistant to the Directorate

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota

Depu­ty Acting Director

Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit.

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Sarah Delere, MPP

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Lisa Neal, MA

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Vanessa Kauke, MLIS

Head Libra­ri­an

Peer Asmussen

Libra­ry Assistant

Dr. Jochen Reidegeld

Sci­en­ti­fic Pro­ject Manager

Peer Asmussen

Libra­ry Assistant

Sarah Delere, MPP

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Vanessa Kauke, MLIS

Head Libra­ri­an

Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol.

Assistant to the Directorate

Lisa Neal, MA

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Dr. Jochen Reidegeld

Sci­en­ti­fic Pro­ject Manager

Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit.

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota

Depu­ty Acting Director