Die harte Schule der neuen Gewalt –

This stu­dy exami­nes the fun­da­men­tal new direc­tion in Ger­man theo­lo­gi­cal peace ethics sin­ce the end of the East–West con­flict. It gui­des the rea­der through the thought pro­ces­ses and dis­co­veries of lea­ding Catho­lic and Pro­tes­tant peace ethi­cists and, in doing so, through the signi­fi­cant deve­lo­p­ments in theo­lo­gi­cal peace ethics in Ger­ma­ny amid the tough new rea­li­ties that have emer­ged sin­ce the end of the Cold War. In addi­ti­on, the book dis­cus­ses the nor­ma­ti­ve pre­mi­ses for con­duct con­du­ci­ve to peace which Ger­man theo­lo­gi­cal peace ethics has devi­sed in order to ful­fil its respon­si­bi­li­ty to the world in the face of today’s new, vio­lent conflicts.