Book sponsorship


The rese­arch on the tra­di­ti­on of peace ethics is an essen­ti­al ele­ment of European-Christian peace ethics. In every epoch sin­ce anti­qui­ty, the ques­ti­on of the rela­ti­onship bet­ween war, peace and jus­ti­ce has been much deba­ted. One of the core ques­ti­ons is whe­ther it is ethi­cal­ly per­mis­si­ble to use mili­ta­ry force to achie­ve peace. The aim of our rese­arch is to work out the results of the­se dis­pu­tes and their his­to­ri­cal impact. We have to be awa­re of our roots and we have to pro­tect the peace-ethical cul­tu­re in order to be able to sol­ve cur­rent conflicts!

The libra­ry coll­ec­tion includes a tre­asu­re of his­to­ri­cal books from the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th cen­tu­ries, the pre­ser­va­ti­on of which is of gre­at importance. The oldest two volu­mes in the libra­ry date from 1593 and 1595 and can no lon­ger be con­sul­ted or used due to their age. Know­ledge threa­tens to be irre­vo­ca­bly lost for sci­ence and the public. The­r­e­fo­re, we urgen­tly need your support!

By spon­so­ring a book, you are hel­ping to secu­re an end­an­ge­red work from the library’s uni­que coll­ec­tion. They enable the res­to­ra­ti­on and main­ten­an­ce of a valuable cul­tu­ral asset.

Dona­te with the key­word book spon­sor­ship to:

Pax-Bank: IBAN DE41 3706 0193 6005 6530 19

Bank im Bis­tum Essen: IBAN DE42 3606 0295 0000 2020 10

Bank für Kir­che und Cari­tas: IBAN DE73 4726 0307 0012 0985 00

Our thanks go to:

  • Dr. Chris­toph Berndorff
  • Frei­herr Dr. Rüdi­ger von Stengel
  • Fami­lie Emil Underberg
  • Stif­tung Fürst­li­cher Hof­ka­plan Alfons Feger