

The Libra­ry of the Insti­tu­te for Theo­lo­gy and Peace (ithf) is a scho­lar­ly spe­cia­li­zed libra­ry on theo­lo­gi­cal peace ethics and includes a uni­que set of lite­ra­tu­re on the Catho­lic Doc­tri­ne of Peace. In addi­ti­on, the lite­ra­tu­re of the for­mer dio­ce­san libra­ry of the Arch­dio­ce­se of Ham­burg has been inte­gra­ted into the stock of the ithf library.The focus is on the fields of theo­lo­gy, peace ethics, phi­lo­so­phy, poli­ti­cal sci­ence and inter­na­tio­nal law. The libra­ry hol­dings total about 67,800 volu­mes (31 Decem­ber 2018).

A spe­cial ser­vice of the libra­ry is the content-related ana­ly­sis of essays from jour­nals and antho­lo­gies that are the­ma­ti­cal­ly rele­vant to the rese­arch of ithf. A total of about 141,038 essays are available for rese­arch in the cata­log Theo­lo­gy & Peace (31 Decem­ber 2018).

Catalogue Theology & Peace

The ent­i­re lite­ra­tu­re is docu­men­ted in the Cata­lo­gue Theo­lo­gy & Peace .

It also includes elec­tro­nic resour­ces and e-journals. An over­view of the available e-journals can be found here: e-journals ithf-library. 


The libra­ry is a mem­ber of the GBV Com­mon Libra­ry Network 
and the Asso­cia­ti­on of Catho­lic Theo­lo­gi­cal Libra­ri­es (AKThB) . In addi­ti­on, she par­ti­ci­pa­tes as a coope­ra­ti­on part­ner in the Vir­tu­al Cata­log Theo­lo­gy and Church (VThK) .