Profile Literature The Library of the Institute for Theology and Peace (ithf) is a scholarly specialized library on theological peace ethics and includes a unique set of literature on the Catholic Doctrine of Peace. In addition, the literature of the former diocesan library of the Archdiocese of Hamburg has been integrated into the stock of the ithf library.The focus is on the fields of theology, peace ethics, philosophy, political science and international law. The library holdings total about 67,800 volumes (31 December 2018). A special service of the library is the content-related analysis of essays from journals and anthologies that are thematically relevant to the research of ithf. A total of about 141,038 essays are available for research in the catalog Theology & Peace (31 December 2018). Catalogue Theology & Peace The entire literature is documented in the Catalogue Theology & Peace . It also includes electronic resources and e-journals. An overview of the available e-journals can be found here: e-journals ithf-library. Memberships The library is a member of the GBV Common Library Network and the Association of Catholic Theological Libraries (AKThB) . In addition, she participates as a cooperation partner in the Virtual Catalog Theology and Church (VThK) .