
Computer und Bibliothek des ITHF

Catalogue Theology & Peace

The enti­re body of lite­ra­tu­re in the ithf libra­ry is lis­ted in the Cata­lo­gue Theo­lo­gy & Peace. The cata­lo­gue includes around 67,800 items. A spe­cial cha­rac­te­ristic is the tex­tu­al revi­si­on of topic-relevant artic­les from various jour­nals and antho­lo­gies. The­re are about 141,038 essay titles available for perusal.

ithf Catalogue


Virtual Catalogue Theology and Church (VThK)

Meta-catalogue with about 6 mil­li­on titles lis­ted, inclu­ding 800,000 essays, from church-scientific libra­ri­es within the German-speaking region.


KXP – Union Catalogue K10Plus

K10plus (KXP) is the Uni­on Cata­lo­gue of ten Ger­man fede­ral sta­tes and the Foun­da­ti­on of Prus­si­an Cul­tu­ral Heri­ta­ge par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the Com­mon Libra­ry Net­work (GBV) and Libra­ry net­work Sou­thwest Ger­man Net­work (SWB). This mul­ti­ma­te­ri­al biblio­gra­phic data­ba­se covers the hol­dings of over 72,6 mil­li­on records of more than 530 mem­ber and asso­cia­ted libra­ri­es with over 183,0 mil­li­on sepa­ra­te cata­lo­gue ent­ries of books, con­fe­rence pro­cee­dings, peri­odi­cals, dis­ser­ta­ti­ons, micro­films and elec­tro­nic resources.


Virtual Catalogue of Karlsruhe (KVK)

Meta search engi­ne for more than 500 mil­li­on titles of mono­graphs, jour­nals, and other media in world­wi­de libra­ry and book store catalogues.


Catalogue of the German National Library

This cata­lo­gue lists about 26 mil­li­on titles, which have been published in Ger­ma­ny sin­ce 1913, titles published abroad in Ger­man, or trans­la­ti­ons of Ger­man titles to other lan­guages, as well as for­eign titles about Ger­ma­ny in prin­ted or elec­tro­nic form.

Cata­lo­gue of the Ger­man Natio­nal Library 

Catalogue of GIGA – German Institute of Global and Area Studies

The online-catalogue of GIGA – Ger­man Insti­tu­te of Glo­bal and Area Stu­dies – lists the titles in the GIGA infor­ma­ti­on sys­tem. It fur­ther includes the data­ba­se World Affairs Online, thus offe­ring about 75,000 full texts online on inter­na­tio­nal rela­ti­ons and regio­nal geography.

Cata­lo­gue of GIGA


In this rubric free­ly acces­si­ble data­ba­ses, inter­net sources, por­tals and search engi­nes of desi­gna­ted are­as of stu­dy are listed.

Database info system

The inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry data­ba­se info sys­tem (DBIS) is a coope­ra­ti­ve ser­vice for the use of sci­en­ti­fic data­ba­ses. DBIS lists jour­nal data­ba­ses, essay data­ba­ses, spe­ci­fic por­tals, vir­tu­al spe­ci­fic libra­ri­es and sci­en­ti­fic search engi­nes, for exam­p­le. The data­ba­ses are lis­ted by area of stu­dy. Through an exten­ded search, it is pos­si­ble to direct­ly search for spe­ci­fic data­ba­ses, data­ba­se types and data­ba­ses with geo­gra­phic relevance.


Theology and Religious Studies

Political Studies and Peace Studies


Legal Studies

Social Studies


The sel­ec­tion of inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry and par­ti­al­ly free­ly acces­si­ble sources lis­ted below includes elec­tro­nic jour­nals with full text access, jour­nal biblio­gra­phies, jour­nals and essays, open-access jour­nals, as well as elec­tro­nic publi­ca­ti­ons of sci­en­ti­fic institutions.

(Full text access only via the rese­arch site in the library.)


Electronic Journals Library (EZB)

The Elec­tro­nic Jour­nals Libra­ry is a ser­vice to faci­li­ta­te the use of scho­lar­ly jour­nals on the inter­net. It offers a fast, struc­tu­red and uni­fied inter­face to access full-text artic­les online. The acces­si­bi­li­ty of full text artic­les depends upon the insti­tu­ti­on and is colour coded.


Index Theologicus

IxTheo is a com­pre­hen­si­ve biblio­gra­phy for theo­lo­gy and reli­gious stu­dies. In addi­ti­on to jour­nals and essays, mono­graphs, data­ba­ses and rele­vant inter­net links can be rese­ar­ched. A new addi­ti­on is the lis­ted data of fea­tured revie­w­ing bodies. Publishers of the IxTheo are the Tübin­gen Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry, the Evan­ge­li­cal Theo­lo­gy and the Catho­lic Theo­lo­gi­cy facul­ties of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübingen.

Index Theologicus

ZDB – German Union Catalogue of Serials

The Uni­on Cata­lo­gue of Seri­als (ZDB) is one of the world’s lar­gest data­ba­ses for jour­nals, news­pa­pers, mono­gra­phic series and other seri­al publi­ca­ti­ons from all count­ries, in all lan­guages, wit­hout time rest­ric­tions, in prin­ted, elec­tro­nic or digi­ti­sed form. Curr­ent­ly more than 3.700 libra­ri­es in Ger­ma­ny and Aus­tria cata­lo­gue seri­al titles and local hol­dings infor­ma­ti­on in the ZDB.


Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ

DOAJ is a community-curated online direc­to­ry that inde­xes and pro­vi­des access to high qua­li­ty, open access, peer-reviewed jour­nals. The Direc­to­ry of Open Access Jour­nals was laun­ched in 2003 at Lund Uni­ver­si­ty, Swe­den, with 300 open access jour­nals and today con­ta­ins ca. 9000 open access jour­nals cove­ring all are­as of sci­ence, tech­no­lo­gy, medi­ci­ne, social sci­ence and humanities.


Periodicals Archive Online – PAO

Peri­odi­cals Archi­ve Online is a com­pre­hen­si­ve archi­ve of back issues of elec­tro­nic jour­nals in the arts, huma­ni­ties and social sci­en­ces, pro­vi­ding access to searcha­ble full text of hundreds of titles. The data­ba­se includes con­tent span­ning more than two cen­tu­ries, cove­ring 37 major sub­ject are­as and mul­ti­ple languages.


Individual E-Journals and Yearbooks


Specialist Essay Databases

Index Theologicus

IxTheo is a com­pre­hen­si­ve biblio­gra­phy for theo­lo­gy and reli­gious stu­dies. In addi­ti­on to jour­nals and essays, mono­graphs, data­ba­ses and rele­vant inter­net links can be rese­ar­ched. A new addi­ti­on is the lis­ted data of fea­tured revie­w­ing bodies. Publishers of the IxTheo are the Tübin­gen Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry, the Evan­ge­li­cal Theo­lo­gy and the Catho­lic Theo­lo­gi­cy facul­ties of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübingen.

Index Theologicus

International Relations and Area Studies

The mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry data­ba­se OLC Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­ti­ons and Area Stu­dies con­ta­ins table of con­tents of jour­nals from seve­ral spe­cial sub­ject coll­ec­tions, inclu­ding poli­ti­cal sci­ence, eco­no­mics, the Midd­le East and other regio­nal spe­cial sub­ject coll­ec­tions. It offers a mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry sel­ec­tion from the Data­ba­se Online-Contents, with addi­tio­nal input from other spe­cial sub­ject collections.

Inter­na­tio­nal Rela­ti­ons and Area Studies


Online Con­tents Phi­lo­so­phy pro­vi­des access to the tables of con­tents of jour­nals in the field of phi­lo­so­phy. It is a subject-oriented sel­ec­tion of biblio­gra­phic data from the Data­ba­se Online Con­tents. This data­ba­se is regu­lar­ly enhan­ced by table of con­tents data from addi­tio­nal peri­odi­cals out of the spe­cial coll­ec­tions of the UB Erlangen-Nürnberg as Ger­man cen­tral sub­ject libra­ry for Philosophy.


Political Science and Peace Research

The Online Con­tents ser­vice of the Spe­cial Sub­ject Coll­ec­tion Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence and Peace Rese­arch is part of the Online Con­tents Data­ba­se. It offers access to tables of con­tents of more than 877 jour­nals rele­vant for stu­dy and rese­arch. New jour­nals were added until Decem­ber 2013 by the Spe­cial Sub­ject Collection.

Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence and Peace Research


Online Con­tents Law is a subject-based sel­ec­tion of biblio­gra­phic data from the data­ba­se Online Con­tents. The impro­ve­ment of the Online Con­tents Law data­ba­se is sup­port­ed by the Deut­sche For­schungs­ge­mein­schaft (Ger­man Rese­arch Foun­da­ti­on) – from 2006 – within Inter­net por­tal Vir­tu­el­le Fach­bi­blio­thek Recht (Vir­tu­al Libra­ry Law). The fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the data­ba­se is coor­di­na­ted by the the­ma­ti­schen Aus­schnitt Rechts­wis­sen­schaft (Spe­cial Coll­ec­tion Law) of the Staats­bi­blio­thek zu Ber­lin – Preu­ßi­scher Kul­tur­be­sitz (Ber­lin Sta­te Libra­ry – Prus­si­an Cul­tu­ral Heritage).


Social Sciences

Online Con­tents Social Sci­en­ces pro­vi­des access to the tables of con­tents of jour­nals in the field of socio­lo­gy and social poli­cy. It is a subject-oriented sel­ec­tion of biblio­gra­phic data from the Data­ba­se Online Con­tents. The data­ba­se is regu­lar­ly enhan­ced by table of con­tents data from addi­tio­nal peri­odi­cals out of the spe­cial coll­ec­tions of the Uni­ver­si­ty Libra­ry Cologne.

Social Sciences

Middle East and North Africa

The Online Con­tents ser­vice of the Midd­le East and North Afri­ca Spe­cial Sub­ject Coll­ec­tion offers access to tables of con­tents of more than 274 jour­nals rele­vant for stu­dy and rese­arch on cul­tu­re, poli­tics and lan­guages of the Midd­le East, North Afri­ca and Cen­tral Asia. Thus the data­ba­se con­ta­ins appro­xi­m­ate­ly 286,400 records of jour­nal artic­les and reviews.

Midd­le East and North Africa

Contemporary History

The crea­ti­on and impro­ve­ment of the Online Con­tents Con­tem­po­ra­ry Histo­ry data­ba­se was sup­port­ed by the Deut­sche For­schungs­ge­mein­schaft within the frame­work of the Clio-online net­work and the Inter­net por­tal Zeitgeschichte-online until 2008. The fur­ther deve­lo­p­ment of the data­ba­se is co-ordinated by the Staats­bi­blio­thek zu Ber­lin – Preu­ßi­scher Kul­tur­be­sitz (SBB-PK) in coope­ra­ti­on with the Rese­arch Cent­re for Con­tem­po­ra­ry Histo­ry in Pots­dam, the Ger­man cen­tral sub­ject libra­ry for Anglo-American histo­ry, the Baye­ri­sche Staats­bi­blio­thek (BSB; Bava­ri­an Sta­te Libra­ry), the Ger­man cen­tral sub­ject libra­ry for Gene­ral Histo­ry; Histo­ry of Ger­ma­ny, Aus­tria, Switz­er­land, France and Ita­ly, East-European Histo­ry, the Biblio­thek für Zeit­ge­schich­te in der Würt­tem­ber­gi­schen Lan­des­bi­blio­thek Stutt­gart as spe­cial libra­ry for the con­tem­po­ra­ry histo­ry and the libra­ry of the Stif­tung Topo­gra­phie des Ter­rors (Foun­da­ti­on Topo­gra­phy of Ter­ror Berlin).

Con­tem­po­ra­ry History

Publications by ITHF

Internet Sources (freely accessible)

Publishings of the Institute for Theology and Peace


  • Over­view of Publications
  • Stu­dies on Peace Ethics (Cata­lo­gue Entry)
  • Poli­ti­cal Phi­lo­so­phy and Legal Theo­ry of the Midd­le Ages and the Modern Age (Cata­lo­gue Entry)
  • Theo­lo­gy and Peace (available under Stu­dies on Peace Ethics) 
    • You can find indi­vi­du­al publi­ca­ti­ons available online here: Theo­lo­gy and Peace
  • Con­tri­bu­ti­ons to Peace Ethics (available under Stu­dies on Peace Ethics) 
    • You can find indi­vi­du­al publi­ca­ti­ons available online here: Con­tri­bu­ti­ons to Peace Ethics

