Sarah Delere, MPP Doctoral Researcher ProfilePublicationsContact Profile Sarah Delere has studied History, Political Science and Catholic Theology at the Free University in Berlin and the University of Cambridge / UK where she spent a research year working on the Kairos Palestine Document. She pursued her Master of Public Policy at the Hertie School of Governance and the American University in Cairo / Egypt with a focus on Development Management and Middle East Affairs. During her studies Sarah received scholarships from the National German Academic Foundation, the Catholic Bishop’s excellence foundation Cusanuswerk and the Hertie School of Governance. Sarah joined the ithf’s team in 2019 as a doctoral researcher and simultaneously works towards her PhD in Catholic Theology / Political Ethics at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. Publications Delere, Sarah, Roth, Anna, Roth, Tobias, “Neue Formen des Hörens in der katholischen Kirche: Ergebnisse eines länderübergreifenden, empirischen Forschungsprojekts zur Familiensynode 2015”, in: Stimmen der Zeit 9/2015, p. 599–610. Delere, Sarah, Review of Coakley, Sarah, “God, Sexuality and the Self. An Essay ‘On the Trinity’” Cambridge 2013, in: Theologische Revue 5/2017, col. 398–402. Delere, Sarah, “‘Catholicism revisited’ – Erfahrungen in der katholisch-anglikanischen Ökumene”, in: Flachsbarth, Maria, Heyder, Regina, Leimgruber, Ute (Ed.), Ökumene, die das Leben schreibt. Konfessionelle Identität und ökumenisches Engagement in Zeitzeuginnenberichten, Münster 2017, p. 50–56. Delere, Sarah, Flack, Robin, “‘Ungläubige sind immer die anderen’. Siebte CIBEDO-Werkstatt: ‘Glaube und Unglaube als Problematik des christlich-islamischen Dialogs’ in Frankfurt am Main”, 25.–26. Oktober 2019, in: CIBEDO Beiträge (4/2019), p. 198–199. Delere, Sarah, “Beobachtungsbericht zum Forum ‘Formen der Mobilisierung gegen »Genderismus« /Feminismus'”, in: Ströbele, Christian, Dziri, Amir, Middelbeck-Varwick, Anja & Omerika, Armina (Ed.), Theologie – gendergerecht? Perspektiven für Islam und Christentum (= Theologisches Forum Christentum – Islam, Vol. 16), Regensburg 2021, p. 151–156 Contact Phone +4940 – 298 13 71-16 Company Forename * Surname * eMail Adress * Subject * Your request * Team MitarbeiterAlphabetisch PD Dr. Bernhard Koch Deputy Director Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol. Assistant to the Directorate Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota Deputy Acting Director Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt Project Supervisor · External Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit. Project Supervisor · External Lisa Neal, MA Doctoral Researcher Vanessa Kauke, MLIS Head Librarian Peer Asmussen Library Assistant Dr. Jochen Reidegeld Scientific Project Manager Peer Asmussen Library Assistant Vanessa Kauke, MLIS Head Librarian PD Dr. Bernhard Koch Deputy Director Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol. Assistant to the Directorate Lisa Neal, MA Doctoral Researcher Dr. Jochen Reidegeld Scientific Project Manager Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt Project Supervisor · External Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit. Project Supervisor · External Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota Deputy Acting Director