Sarah Delere, MPP

Doctoral Researcher



Sarah Dele­re has stu­di­ed Histo­ry, Poli­ti­cal Sci­ence and Catho­lic Theo­lo­gy at the Free Uni­ver­si­ty in Ber­lin and the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­bridge / UK whe­re she spent a rese­arch year working on the Kai­ros Pal­es­ti­ne Docu­ment. She pur­sued her Mas­ter of Public Poli­cy at the Her­tie School of Gover­nan­ce and the Ame­ri­can Uni­ver­si­ty in Cai­ro / Egypt with a focus on Deve­lo­p­ment Manage­ment and Midd­le East Affairs. During her stu­dies Sarah recei­ved scho­lar­ships from the Natio­nal Ger­man Aca­de­mic Foun­da­ti­on, the Catho­lic Bishop’s excel­lence foun­da­ti­on Cusa­nus­werk and the Her­tie School of Governance.

Sarah joi­n­ed the ithf’s team in 2019 as a doc­to­ral rese­ar­cher and simul­ta­neous­ly works towards her PhD in Catho­lic Theo­lo­gy / Poli­ti­cal Ethics at the Goe­the Uni­ver­si­ty in Frank­furt am Main.


Dele­re, Sarah, Roth, Anna, Roth, Tobi­as, “Neue For­men des Hörens in der katho­li­schen Kir­che: Ergeb­nis­se eines län­der­über­grei­fen­den, empi­ri­schen For­schungs­pro­jekts zur Fami­li­en­syn­ode 2015”, in: Stim­men der Zeit 9/2015, p. 599–610.

Dele­re, Sarah, Review of Coak­ley, Sarah, “God, Sexua­li­ty and the Self. An Essay ‘On the Tri­ni­ty’” Cam­bridge 2013, in: Theo­lo­gi­sche Revue 5/2017, col. 398–402.

Dele­re, Sarah, “‘Catho­li­cism revi­si­ted’ – Erfah­run­gen in der katholisch-anglikanischen Öku­me­ne”, in: Flachs­barth, Maria, Heyder, Regi­na, Leim­gru­ber, Ute (Ed.), Öku­me­ne, die das Leben schreibt. Kon­fes­sio­nel­le Iden­ti­tät und öku­me­ni­sches Enga­ge­ment in Zeit­zeu­gin­nen­be­rich­ten, Müns­ter 2017, p. 50–56.

Dele­re, Sarah, Flack, Robin, “‘Ungläu­bi­ge sind immer die ande­ren’. Sieb­te CIBEDO-Werkstatt: ‘Glau­be und Unglau­be als Pro­ble­ma­tik des christlich-islamischen Dia­logs’ in Frank­furt am Main”, 25.–26. Okto­ber 2019, in: CIBEDO Bei­trä­ge (4/2019), p. 198–199.

Dele­re, Sarah, “Beob­ach­tungs­be­richt zum Forum ‘For­men der Mobi­li­sie­rung gegen »Gen­de­ris­mus« /Feminismus'”, in: Strö­be­le, Chris­ti­an, Dzi­ri, Amir, Middelbeck-Varwick, Anja & Ome­ri­ka, Armi­na (Ed.), Theo­lo­gie – gen­der­ge­recht? Per­spek­ti­ven für Islam und Chris­ten­tum (= Theo­lo­gi­sches Forum Chris­ten­tum – Islam, Vol. 16), Regens­burg 2021, p. 151–156


Pho­ne +4940 – 298 13 71-16


PD Dr. Bernhard Koch

Depu­ty Director

Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol.

Assistant to the Directorate

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota

Depu­ty Acting Director

Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit.

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Lisa Neal, MA

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Vanessa Kauke, MLIS

Head Libra­ri­an

Peer Asmussen

Libra­ry Assistant

Dr. Jochen Reidegeld

Sci­en­ti­fic Pro­ject Manager

Peer Asmussen

Libra­ry Assistant

Vanessa Kauke, MLIS

Head Libra­ri­an

PD Dr. Bernhard Koch

Depu­ty Director

Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol.

Assistant to the Directorate

Lisa Neal, MA

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Dr. Jochen Reidegeld

Sci­en­ti­fic Pro­ject Manager

Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit.

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota

Depu­ty Acting Director