Dr. Jochen Reidegeld

Scientific Project Manager

Reli­gio­nen in den Kri­sen­ge­bie­ten Irak und Syrien

Jochen Rei­de­geld stu­di­ed Catho­lic theo­lo­gy at the West­fä­li­sche Wil­helms Uni­ver­si­ty in Müns­ter and at the Eber­hard Karls Uni­ver­si­ty in Tübin­gen. After being orda­i­ned a priest in 1996, he obtai­ned the Lic. iur. can. in 2003 and recei­ved his doc­to­ra­te in 2012 with a the­sis on dif­fe­ren­tia­ted forms of parish leadership.

His roles have included depu­ty vicar gene­ral of the dio­ce­se of Müns­ter, head of the main depart­ment “Cen­tral Tasks”, order con­sul­tant and broad­cas­ting repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the dio­ce­se of Müns­ter, and then dis­trict dean in Steinfurt.

Sin­ce 2014, Jochen Rei­de­geld has been acti­ve in huma­ni­ta­ri­an work in Syria and Iraq. One focus is the Shin­gal Moun­ta­ins in nor­t­hern Iraq, whe­re the geno­ci­de of the Yazi­dis took place. On Janu­ary 1, 2023, he began working as a pro­ject mana­ger at the Insti­tu­te for Theo­lo­gy and Peace.



PD Dr. Bernhard Koch

Depu­ty Director

Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol.

Assistant to the Directorate

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota

Depu­ty Acting Director

Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit.

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Sarah Delere, MPP

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Lisa Neal, MA

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Vanessa Kauke, MLIS

Head Libra­ri­an

Peer Asmussen

Libra­ry Assistant

Peer Asmussen

Libra­ry Assistant

Sarah Delere, MPP

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Vanessa Kauke, MLIS

Head Libra­ri­an

PD Dr. Bernhard Koch

Depu­ty Director

Katharina Monnerjahn, Dipl.-Pol.

Assistant to the Directorate

Lisa Neal, MA

Doc­to­ral Researcher

Prof. Dr. Hajo Schmidt

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Dr. Marco Schrage, prof. invit.

Pro­ject Super­vi­sor · External

Prof. Dr. Andreas Trampota

Depu­ty Acting Director