Öffentliche Lesung: „Enemies Near and Far: The World according to Al-Qaeda and ISIS“ by Prof. Dr. Sohail Hashmi, USA

Prof. Dr. Sohail Hash­mi, Mount Holy­o­ke Col­lege, USA

Thurs­day, 15.10.2015
19:00-20:00, lec­tu­re and discussion
20:00-21:00: reception

Catho­lic Aca­de­my, Ham­burg (Pan­oram­raum)
Her­ren­gra­ben 4

A deba­te has raged within radi­cal Isla­mic groups for deca­des on who should be the tar­gets of their jihad, the local rulers (the near ene­my) or the­se rulers‘ for­eign backers (the far ene­my). The con­tro­ver­sy rea­ched new heights after the 9/11 attack and the Ame­ri­can inter­ven­ti­ons in Afgha­ni­stan and Iraq. It bit­ter­ly divi­ded the lea­ders of al-Qaeda from Abu Mus`ab al-Zarqawi, the lea­der of al-Qaeda in Iraq. This lec­tu­rer will con­sider the reli­gious roots of the near ene­my vs. far ene­my deba­te, its impact on the radi­cals‘ stra­tegy and tac­tics, and its impli­ca­ti­ons for the con­ti­nuing war against al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Free and open for public, regis­tra­ti­on is recom­men­ded but not neces­sa­ry. Orga­ni­zed by Insti­tu­te for Theo­lo­gy and Peace (ithf) and Catho­lic Peace Foun­da­ti­on as the ope­ning lec­tu­re of the inter­na­tio­nal work­shop on
Isla­mic Peace Ethics, 15-17 Octo­ber 2015
Insti­tu­te for Theo­lo­gy and Peace (ithf), Hamburg